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Apartment building Vinohrady

Project detail
  • Author
    Ing. Slavomir Dluhy, aut. arch. CKA/ SKA
  • Purpose
    Apartment house, reconstruction, built-in attic
  • Project
  • Total attic area
    485 m2
  • Structure
    5 floors, 1 underground floor, 1 attic
  • Project
Project description

The subject of the investor’s assignment was the elaboration of an architectural design of the project – the reconstruction of the roof of the Apartment building in Kladska Street in Prague Vinohrady with the construction of attic apartment units and a total roof area of 485 m2. Furthermore, replacement of windows and doors with repair of the facade. One of the main requirements of the investor was the rebuilding of the corner tower of the house – its return according to the original project from 1907.