* Kezmarok, SR
1970 – 1979
Elementary art school, art major
1979 – 1983
Secondary School of Wood Industry, Spisska Nova Ves, art major – Design, construction, furniture and interior design
1983 – 1987
Technical University, Zvolen, SR
DF – Department of Design
1982 – 1983
Atelier work
/ Akad. soch. Svitana Imrich /, Poprad, SR
/ Akad. soch. Priehoda Jaroslav /, Prievidza, SR -
Cooperation / Arch. Dvorak /, Brno, CZ
1988 – 1989
Design Office, Woodworking Kosice, SR
Projects and implementation of interiors, furniture design, technical preparation of production -
1989 – 1990
Creation and implementation of own projects – Slovak Fine Arts Fund, Bratislava, SR
Interior design, industrial design, graphic design, small architecture, independent creation -
Industrial design, Production programme of seating furniture – Bukoza Vranov, SR
1990 – 1991
Cooperation – Architectural studio / Ing arch. Pacak Stefan /, Kosice, SR
Interior Design and Architecture -
Establishment of own studio – ATELIER DLUHY, N.A.D.E.S.
Interior design, product and graphic design, architecture -
Co-founder of CN plus s.r.o., Interior Design, Kosice, Slovakia
Complex realization of interiors -
1999 – 2009
Internships in Italy
2007 – 2014
Internships in Singapore Malaysia and Indonesia
ATELIER DLUHY, Prague, CZ foundation
ATELIER DLUHY s.r.o., CZ foundation
ATELIER DLUHY, s.r.o., SR foundation -
Creation and implementation of own projects
Interior design and architecture
1991 – 2017
Inclusion of artworks in carried out Interior and Architecture projects: sculpture, restoration, photography, painting, graphics
prof. Akad. soch. Bartusz Juraj, Kosice, SR, Bronisevsky Vladimir, Kosice, SR, Brostlova Antonia, Kosice, SK, Bujnak Pavol, Lipany, SR, mgr. art. Ilcik Peter, Kosice, SR, mgr. art. Megyesi Pavol, Kosice, SR, mgr. Akad. soch. Michalko Stefan, Kosice, SR, mgr. art. Mlich Peter, Kosice, SR, mgr. art. Novotny Ivan, Kosice, SR, prof. ak. soch. Plesl Rony, Prague, CZ, prof. mgr. Prekop Rudolf, CZ, mgr. art. Zahoransky Dusan, Kosice, SR
Design Award – International Competition of University Student Works – Charles University Prague, CZ
Slovak National Museum Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Annual Award 2009 in the category: EXHIBITIONS, Museum, Kosice