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F Gym Kosice

Project detail
  • Author
    Ing. Slavomir Dluhy, aut. arch. CKA / SKAA
  • Purpose
    Sports complex, reconstruction, extension
  • Project
    ATELIER DLUHY, s.r.o.
  • Land area
    3193,64 m2
  • Built-up area
    1193,18 m2
  • Structure
    1. and 2. floor
  • Project
Project description

The intention of the project in the architectural study stage was to design the reconstruction of the existing sports complex in the context of the individual assignment and the investor’s requirements.

The sports complex with its buildings is situated in the immediate proximity of the residential area of Kosice – North. The complex, after its major reconstruction and redevelopment, will continue to serve fully for various sports activities of children and adults.

The investor’s assignment was based on the requirements to create an opinion on the overall modernisation of the sports complex function.

In the project brief, the investor emphasised operational safety, the efficient use of the existing and newly designed spaces, the overall architectural integration of the reconstructed and new building parts into the area, the solution of the transport serviceability of the complex with parking, the characteristic architectural design of the main entrance façade of the original building, the energy efficiency of the solution and the quality of the internal interior space.

The basic architectural approach was to develop a project design that, through its own solutions, would bring the newly required content function to the building and unify the formal representation of the buildings into a coherent whole.

The new material solution is based on the requirements for an overall higher standard of sports facilities and multifunctional use of individual parts of the complex.