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Hotel Ambassador ****

Project detail
  • Author
    Ing. Slavomír Dluhý, aut. arch. ČKA/ SKA
  • Purpose
    Hotel ****
  • Project
  • Floor plan
    1300 m2
  • Structure
    Reconstruction, extension, new building
    1 floor, reception, lounge area
    1 underground floor, wellness
    2 floors, public areas
    3 floors, accommodation
    4 floors, accommodation
  • Project
    2007/ 2008
  • Realisation
  • Collaboration with artists
    Photographer : Prof. Prekop Rudolf, FAMU Praha
    Academic painter : Broniševský Vladimír, Košice
    Academic painter : Mgr. Art. Megyesi Pavol, Košice
Project Description

The aim of our project for the complex reconstruction of a historic hotel building in the centre of Kosice was to design a new layout solution for the missing and necessary equipment of the building with a number of features. The plot in question is located in cramped conditions in the protected monument zone. 

We completed the existing, unused part of the plot with a project for the construction of a detached building with fully functional equipment for polyfunction and an increase in the total accommodation capacity. The original, main historical building, including the interiors, was reconstructed independently in a significant way according to our building project. Both buildings were connected to each other by a glass walkway.

The concept of our architectural design for the Hotel AMBASSADOR **** consisted of a new layout of the basic, central and peripheral structures in the building. From changing the position of the reception, through the establishment of a new restaurant, which was missing in the hotel, the addition of a side wing for sanitary facilities with technical accessories, to the challenging construction of a new four-storey building with accommodation wing, multifunctional and conference hall, kitchen with catering facilities and hotel service areas.

The overall architectural and interior design is characterised by the refined elegance that we have sought to achieve, the use of quality materials and the high level of craftsmanship down to the smallest detail.