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Family house Trencianske Teplice

Project detail
  • Author
    Ing. Slavomir Dluhy, aut. arch. CKA/ SKA
  • Purpose
    Family house
  • Project
  • Land area
    12.977 m2
  • Built-up area
    720,40 m2
  • Project
    2018 / 19
Project description

The intention of our project in the architectural study stage was to design a family house, located on the respective building plot in close proximity to the forest, in the sense of the individual investor’s assignment. The proposal also included the design of all garden and landscaping with the adjacent forest.

The building plot, located at an altitude of +315,00 to +327,50 m above sea level, is situated near the spa town of Trencianske Teplice, in the middle of a valley of deciduous and coniferous forests of the Strazov Hills. The building plot is situated on the outskirts of the forest, just above the water reservoir Baracka, which is a category III water body and with its altitude of 304 m above sea level has a total area of 8 ha. The sloping nature of the land offers spectacular views of the reservoir and the scenery of the surrounding countryside.

The large plot is situated in a SE/NW direction. The position is interesting in its outlook and set relatively high above a hidden road and open water reservoir. It is bounded on one side in the SW direction by this large body of water and on the other side in the NE direction by dense woodland. Topographically, the land is naturally graded continuously in the E/W direction, with the greatest gradient in the NE/SW direction.

The investor’s assignment in the first stage was based on the requirement to create a view of a family house designed for accommodation of a family with children and its dedicated object part for working from home.

The investor’s assignment in the second stage was to design all the adjacent garden and landscaping with woodland planting and direct user connection to the object composition of the proposed building.

A detailed geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and dendrological survey was carried out on the site.

The basic architectural approach to the assignment was to appropriately situate the ground floor layout of the house building with a maximum effort to blend naturally into the environment and take advantage of the given user orientation. The family house is designed as a stand-alone building, which in a relaxed way partially replicates the topography of the plot.

The massing of the building is proportioned in height in such a way as to purposefully meet the creation of a building with its own natural tectonics.

Through the proposed means of expression of the building structures, the house is interconnected into a continuous whole with respect for the intended use and with emphasis on the contact between the interior and the exterior.