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Church and funeral hall

Project detail
  • Author
    Ing. Slavomír Dluhý, aut. arch. ČKA/ SKA
  • Purpose
    Church and funeral hall
  • Interior design
  • Floor plan
    185 m2
  • Collaboration, artwork
    akad. sculptor, prof. Juraj Bartusz
  • Project
  • Realization
Project description

The investor’s assignment was to design the interior of the church and the funeral hall of a new building located in the Kosice-Saca district.

The chamber design concept of the sacral interior consists of its circular layout, sculptural work and stone gable lining with illuminated sharp vertical line of stained glass. The interior is completed by furnishings made of solid wood, steel and artistic ceramics. Indirect lighting creates a calm and balanced atmosphere in the intimate space.